Millwright Local #711
I was hired to build a website for Millwright Local #711 in August of 2003.
This site has been finished, wrapped up, and delivered. Any changes since
September 2003 will be their own doings, which by the way has required me
to fix their site SEVERAL times. |
Venturing Crew 210, BSA
The Crew's website is my favorite by far. Mainly because I've worked on it for years
just to get it where it is today. There is still more work to do on it and I will be
the first to admit that, but at least I'm making progress as time permits. I'm always
open to suggestions from member's (or non-member's even) that would better the site.
However I am trying to keep the site as available to everyone as I can. Basically this
means that I do not have plans on changing the main site over to Java, Flash, or other
similar advances in Internet technology.
Boy Scout Troop 210, BSA
- Site address not listed - The Troops website is another long term project, although not in the sense that I work
on it weekly. The fact is I haven't worked on the site in a long while. My reason is
simple and every real Web designer knows that you have to have content in order to have
a site. There may be pages, links, even a few pictures; but if there is no content then
the site doesn't exist. If the Troop would send me content about their events, calendars,
and best of all PICTURES then their site would be up and running as well.
Brian's Personal Site
This is my personal website that I'll use basically as a hub for all of my
other websites. I might also use it for posting things that I've been up
to or have happening lately. No promises though.
This page was last updated March 5 th, 2005.